Treehouse of Horror
Bart-pool vs Wolver-lisa
Tilly Stab Pin
Ralph-Taro and the giant "fishy"
Tote Bags
Hocus Bouvi-ocus
The Re-Frinkenator
Wurst yeer ehver! pin
The pin-credible deal of the year!
On Sale -
The Scream (THOH pin #1)
Sold Out -
Just My Luck Pin
The Pharoah's Drinking Buddies (THOH pin#2)
Hom-Do'h the Insatiable pin
Sold Out -
Slasher Wreath
Leatherface Serves
Ice Skatin' Jason
The Gremlin's Nightmare Before Christmas
Freddy krueger gets lit on christmas vacation
Chucky's Home Alone with his thoughts
Merry Slash-mas Pack